That's what it's about

For companies that focus on the well-being of people.

The knowledge for a carefree and fulfilling life has long been there, it's time to put it into practice. Namely where we reach the people.

Companies in which everyone can develop freely

We want to give everyone the opportunity to develop their personality freely, regardless of their origin. Completely individual, unconditional and without regulations.

Appreciation and recognition without hierarchies

Nobody needs to fight or pretend anymore for recognition and appreciation. We know that everyone is a valuable part of society. Totally natural.

A community that welcomes everyone

We bring people together and ensure injury-free and understanding cooperation. No matter what personal or cultural views someone has.

Forgive mistakes and give security

Nobody needs to be afraid of being fired or penalized for making a mistake anymore. But on the contrary. We offer help, even with personal problems. Always and without exception.

Putting people's needs first is a self-sustaining model. A model that is no longer just a means to an end or dependent on the good will of individuals.

We finally have the opportunity to bring what really matters to the fore. The necessary resources arise automatically all by themselves. Because when people can develop freely and support each other, success is inevitable.

When people do what suits their talents and interests, free from fear and worry, we achieve great things.

That's what it's about in detail

Basically, it's about establishing methods and concepts to give everyone access to a carefree, fulfilling and peaceful life.

The idea of implementing this in companies arose from this, because companies are places where we can reach everyone. After all, everyone has to take care of themselves and would like to pursue a job. The term company has to be softened at this point, because many think of companies in terms of classic hierarchies with bosses and employees. And that is exactly what is not meant.

The term "modern company" is more appropriate, because "modern" means nothing other than: "up to date with historical, social, cultural, technical, ... developments “. And that's the point. Modern psychology, pedagogy and neurology have long since found out where the causes of our actions lie and how we can live happier and more carefree together. We know what empathy is and how it develops, we can explain how injuries and beliefs arise and how we can dissolve them. We know where feelings like fear, sadness or anger come from and how we can overcome them. We know our motivations, we can represent them in models and the way our brain works has now been very well researched.

The methods have been known for a long time, but up until now they have only been used as a means to an end (e.g. for motivation/manipulation for more efficiency and profit) or when people want to develop further (e.g. in psychotherapy or personality coaching). But as long as they are not used across the board, not much will change in society. The American psychologist Marshall B. Rosenberg summed it up so nicely:

"We can help people in the short term, but the social structures and the way we speak and act with each other remain unaffected and continue to make people ill."

Marshall B Rosenberg

The challenge is therefore to establish the knowledge for a carefree, fulfilled and peaceful life in society. And companies offer an excellent basis for this. Because companies offer people the opportunity to realize themselves and can give them appreciation, belonging and security. You just have to do this unconditionally and put it first, even before profit. If companies do not distribute their profits to shareholders, but invest them in an environment in which injury-free and understanding cooperation is promoted, an environment in which everyone finds their purpose and nobody has to fear being rejected or punished for a mistake, we can the people there develop freely. And when people are free to develop, everything that comes out of it becomes a success.

We humans are great when we manage to create something together.

Then just do it, right...?

As simple as the idea sounds at first, it takes a lot more to implement it. Because for such a project, many things have to be taken into account and many cogs have to mesh. But it's not rocket science either, we humans have already created much greater things. Let's take the internet for example. From server rooms in companies to large data centers, applications that are exchanged on data highways and land on our cell phones via satellites. Nobody masters all these techniques alone, but together it is no longer a problem. And when so many different people work together to be able to watch cat videos anywhere in the world, then it should be possible to live a carefree, fulfilling and peaceful life. :-)

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